By Bram Stoker. Facsimile of the first edition.
Wherever possible, we try to source the first edition reproduction or facsimile of the books we love. Dracula comes in many forms but we must say owning the glaringly yellow clothbound edition with bold, blood-red type is a must. The pages are teg (antiquarian word for top-edge-gilt) in blood red as well, making each page turn a bit more horrifying.
This turn-of-the-century tale is as spooky as they come but if you haven’t read it then you don’t know of its morally redemptive protagonists and the ever so rapturous love story. Dare we mention the vivid and breathtaking settings in the Carpathian mountains of Romania and the idyllically moody village of Whitby on the Northeastern coast of England.
To read more about our favorite spooky stories, visit our journal article. Dracula is part of our spooky stories collection. We hope these tales are just the thing to keep you up to the wee hours of these chilly October nights unable to put down your book.
Measures 6″ x 10″
488 pages.
Clothbound Hardcover